Sunday, July 19, 2009

2009 Summer fun in Boulder City

Nicole came over from Page with the kids for a couple of days. She left Jonah & Noah and we were thrilled to have them stay for an extra 4 days. We had great fun.
Nicole and Delyse
Checking out Yvonne's new iphone
Jill helped at Cub Scout Day Camp for 5 days; it rained & hailed the last day; boys are in the gazebo; luckily we were able to transfer everything & everybody to our church building
Joe's old campaign signs were put to good use as sides on a wagon to make "boats"
At the Park for Cub Scout day camp: Old glory is always good to see

Jack, Hazel, Jonah & Delyse
We swam & swam - in our pool and Joe Paul's
Jack & Hazel; Hazel is a real water baby

Miss Esther Faye


Ezra, Noah & Jonah
Jill & Hazel
Joe in his super-duper "keep out the suns rays" hat & shirt
Hazel, Jonah & Noah; Hazel was sooooo happy to have the boys stay to play with her
Nicole and Granpa Chuck & Gramma Jean - we are so glad they live across the street!
Hazel and one of her "people"
Joe's fathers day present - and he does the cooking & cleaning!July 4th at the park in Boulder City - Delyse's family came out to walk in the parade & we appreciate them so much !
Jack, Spencer, Dane & Nicole
Joe Paul, Nicole, Dane
Brothers who look just alike!
Miss Hazel Lynn
Great-granpa showing his magic tricks to the kids
Joe, Chuck, Joe Paul and Dane
Granpa Chuck, Ezra, Noah, Jonah and Dane
Photos from Larson visit July, 2009


Larson 7 said...

Way to go mom, updating the blog! Thanks for all the fun we had last week!

Anonymous said...

Jill, how do you keep up with it all? You are amazing! Scout camp was a blast and the storm on Friday was a good lesson about being prepared! Nicole was in town, and I didn't even know! You guys have such an amazing and big family!!!!! Love you all!!!!!